Thursday, September 11, 2008

Art or Not?

“The best one can say of modern creative art is that it is just a little less vulgar than reality.”
Oscar Wilde
This photo was taken in the Musee d'Art Moderne et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris France, on our trip there this past March. My son Joey is on the far left and my nephew Sam is the third one from the left.


Namnet said...

I love this quote:-) I must say I am not very fond of some modern art. The line between what is an art and what pretends to be an art, is very thin.
Once I took my small cousin to the gallery. He was seven years old and I wanted to make the visit interesting so I guided him to the part of the gallery where the paintings of our town are hanged. We had to go through the part dedicated to modern artists and there were some paintings with pink army tanks on them and they were quite bizarre.
And my small cousin asked me:"These were painted by some small children?" And I had to admit: "No, but do you like them?" And he answered: "No. Not at all." And I confessed: "I don´t like them either."
I had the same taste as a seven-year-old, but I still think the paintings were bad and kitsch...

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

luv it...modern or not, simply love arts...what can I say, hee!
I'm blessed & looking fwd for my trip to London next month. TATE here I come...

charmed as always by your rich life!

Elaine said...

What is it supposed to be?

renee said...

look at those beanpoles.